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LNG Hose
    发布时间: 2020-06-21 16:34    

Gutteling is the world leader in transfer risk management. By delivering (and manufacturing) the highest quality composite hoses available and backed by more class society Type Approvals than anyone else in the world, Gutteling is your partner in managing risk during critical transfer operations. 

LNG Hose

Gutteling is the world leader in transfer risk management. By delivering (and manufacturing) the highest quality composite hoses available and backed by more class society Type Approvals than anyone else in the world, Gutteling is your partner in managing risk during critical transfer operations. In addition to our product development, Gutteling works closely with the industry to provide the highest quality training programs available. Gutteling has its roots in Europe’s largest port in the city of Rotterdam. Since its foundation, Gutteling has a rich history in the field of composite hoses and couplings.

· Composite hose for Chemical, Oil, Vapor, LPG, LNG, etc

· Fittings

· Hose Handling Equipment